Thursday, October 9, 2008


I'm taking it easy while running my business today. I haven't taken a full day off in the past 30 days and have been working about 90 hours each week. I started listening to XM Satellite Radio as soon as I opened the shop through DirecTV but something wasn't right today. I began to think about where I am in life and where I would like to be. The next decision was to find some inspiration, so I searched for millionaire blogs on Google.

The first two results were "The Millionaire Blog" and "The Millionaire Mommy Next Door". I looked at these two and found some inspiring words that helped alleviate my concerned mood. The fourth search result was a "Young Millionaires - Blog Toplist" where I found Ephren Taylor. He's a 25 year old successful entrepreneur who designed his own video game at the age of 12 and had a company in high school worth a few million dollars! I watched a few of his videos on YouTube including his appearances on the Montel Williams show and The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch.

It was very inspiring to hear him talk about his humble upbringing to where he is now. He currently manages over $250 million in assets and is relocating from San Francisco to New York City where he accepted a job as a Hedge Fund Manager.

1 comment:

kevzhong said...

Hey, its great to see somebody like you take on big challenges like this. Good Luck with everything,

(my blog @